Revital Michaelov, EA - New York NY Tax Preparer


Revital Michaelov, EA

Empire Tax Professionals, Inc.
5 Pennsylvania Plaza #2325
New York, NY 10001
United States


For tax preparation in New York NY, you can count on Revital Michaelov, EA at Empire Tax Professionals, Inc. Revital Michaelov, EA assists taxpayers and small businesses with taxes in New York NY and the surrounding communities. Whether you are an individual or a local business in or around New York NY, Revital Michaelov, EA has years of valuable experience as an IRS registered tax preparer. Contact Revital Michaelov, EA, tax filing specialist in New York NY, for help with your taxes.

Our accountants work hard to get every possible tax deduction and credit that you’re entitled to. With over 20 years of experience, Empire is knowledgeable in tax law. We’ll help you find money where big box companies may neglect to look. Empire is your local accountant, bookkeeper & payroll service. If you are looking for an experienced tax professional who will analyze your return multiple times and get you a maximum return then you have came to the right place. Our top rated Licensed NYC accountant is standing by. Empire Tax Professionals, Inc. 5 Pennsylvania Plaza #2325, New York, NY 10001 (212) 300-5776. Visit Us On Bookkeeping Payroll CPA Did you know that Empire Tax is a featured Manhattan Chamber accountant? We invite you to visit the page and learn more now. We will make sure the IRS will give you every penny you rightfully deserve. Contact us now for a fast & free consultation on any tax, payroll or bookkeeping inquiry. Filing tax returns in NYC has never been easier.

Looking to find the best rated tax preparer in New York NY?

Revital Michaelov, EA is a local tax preparer and Owner at Empire Tax Professionals, Inc. located in New York NY. As one of the best tax preparers within the New York NY area, Revital Michaelov, EA provides personalized tax preparation services including Audits, Bookkeeping, Corporate Taxes, Estate Tax Returns, Tax Representation, prepares simple and complicated form 1040, can respond to any IRS notices you may receive and will answer your tax questions. Revital Michaelov, EA has individual and business tax clients from diversified industries and professions located in the New York NY area. Revital Michaelov, EA has individual and business tax clients located in communities throughout New York including New York, Bronx, Brooklyn.

Services Provided

  • Audits
  • Bookkeeping
  • Corporate Taxes
  • Estate Tax Returns
  • Tax Representation

Cities Serviced

  • New York
  • Bronx
  • Brooklyn

Gold Seal of PTIN Registry

Read What 1 Client is Saying About New York NY Tax Preparer Revital Michaelov, EA

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