Travel & Entertainment
1 Are my business travel expenses for the cruise ship deductible?
2 Are my cell phone calls made while commuting to work deductible?
3 Are my meal costs deductible?
4 Are my meal costs during overtime deductible?
5 Are the costs I incur to entertain business clients in my home deductible?
6 Are the taxi fares I incurred to the airport on my business trip deductible ?
7 Are the total amount of my meals and entertainment deductible?
8 Are the travel costs I incurred to see my accountant about my investments deductible ?
9 Are the travel costs I incurred to see my Attorney about my investments deductible ?
10 Are the travel costs I incurred to see my CPA about my investments deductible ?
11 Are the travel costs I incurred to see my Investment advisor about my investments deductible ?
12 Are there deductible commuting expenses?
13 Are travel expenses associated with my taking courses to maintain my job skills deductible?
14 Can I claim a deduction for the costs of transportation for my child to the day care center ?
15 Entertainment expenses - Proof
16 Gifts - business gift limitation
17 I use my car for work. What expenses are deductible?
18 Is my trip to Spain deductible because I am a Spanish teacher ?
19 Is the amount I pay for automobile license fees deductible?
20 Is the cost for my basketball skybox rental totally deductible?
21 Is the costs of me driving to work deductible?
22 Is the monthly parking space fee I pay for behind the business I work at, deductible?
23 Is the total amount I paid for travel by a cruise ship on a business trip deductible?
24 Is the total amount I paid to a ticket broker for tickets to entertain business clients deductible?
25 Is the yacht rental cost I paid to entertain my customers deductible?
26 Standard Meal Allowance - in place of the actual meal costs
27 Standard mileage rate for using my car when moving to my new job?
28 Transportation assistance - 2013
29 Travel between my two jobs - deductibility
30 What are the per diem rates for travel outside the US?
31 What are the tax court guidelines for determining if a convention trip is business or personal ?
32 What expenses are deductable when I am away from home overnight?
33 What is depreciation year classification of a car I use for business ?
34 What is the amount that receipts for business transportation and entertainment expenses are required ?
35 What is the current year IRS Meal Allowance?
36 What is the difference between Travel and Commuting expenses?
37 What is the IRS publication that explains Travel & Entertainment expenses?
38 What is the per diem rate for incidentals?
39 What proof do I need to substantiate my travel and entertainment expenses ?
40 When are business meals and entertainment expenses deductible?
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