Client Reviews of Peggy L. Ballard, CPA

Read What 1 Client is Saying About Peggy L. Ballard, CPA - A Tax Professional from Stone Mountain GA

Lithonia, GA
April 29, 2016

If you are seeking a CPA that is honest, consistent, caring, considerate, is willing to meet with you face-to-face, keeps her word, is businesslike and always accessible or refers you to a staff member, when she is not, I SUGGEST THAT YOU LOOK ELSEWHERE! Ms. Ballard is too busy to sit down with her clients and I was foolish for going along with her mail in arrangement for years--after coming to Atlanta from Califorina. Ms. Ballard prefers to send you a Data Collection Sheet and have you mail in your originals, so she does not have to take the time to meet with you in person. Because, Ms. Ballard failed to check my tax return for 2012, I ended up owing taxes in 2013, because a 1099 for investments I received was not included in my return for that year. Unfortunately, I did not find out I never got the 1099 in the mail, until I received a notice from IRS affter the return was filed. One call from Ms. Ballard about the missing 1099 or with a meeting; it would have prevented me from having to pay money to IRS that I did not have. Ms. Ballard was very nonchalant about my situation and told me it was nothing to worry about. Of course, that is easy to say, when you are not the one paying out. I recently scheduled a sit down meeting at her office with her brother GP Foster, who said that he had been doing tax for about 35 years. My daughter and I were late for our appointment, but we made it in time enough to meet with Mr. Foster. He started the meeting by telling me the amount I was expected pay for the sevices after Ms. Ballard had previously told me that I could pay whatever I felt was fair, because of the delay in filling my return. Mr. Foster then proceeded to go over the form for the e-Return, and it was when I saw something very wrong. He had the paperwork for another client in my folder that had a label with my name, so I ment;ioned it. As a result, he had to take time from our meeting to go and print out the paperwork that should have already been in my folder. Both he and the secretary, who I thought was nice made excuses about this mistake. But, I did not take it lightly; because it is like a doctor trying to give you a recommenation for treatment wtih another's patient's chart. This was a RED FLAG for both me and my daughter, who asked to schedule another meeting the following week with both he and Ms. Ballard, who he had said would not be available all that week. Then he dropped a bomb and said Ms. Ballard would not be available, because she would be away for one month. Wow, how do you go from one week to one month? This experience caused me alarm and raised suspicion for me and my daughter, who asked for my file and said we would be having someone else to prepare my 2015 tax return. I have learned a lot of important things the hard way, because of being too trusting with the wrong people. When it comes to your money, before having a new person or company prepare your tax, please check for pubic reviews and make sure the company or individual is legitimate and has a NOTABLE presence online (e.g. Google, Yelp, Facebook, BBB, and other social network sites).