Client Reviews of Edith H. Nguyen

Read What 2 Clients are Saying About Edith H. Nguyen - A Tax Professional from Denver CO

Denver, CO
February 44, 2021

Edith Nguyen is an extremely incompetent tax accountant who has mad errors on every single year of my tax returns and when brought to her attention, she rudely refused to fix and amend it. In addition , she stated that she’s not open for discussion on her mistake and refused to make it right for me. When I hired a new CPA, that new CPA stated she made mistakes on every single year of my tax returns since I’ve been having Edith Nguyen at H & N services do my tax returns. Not only was she too arrogant to admit to her incompetent work, her demeanor was outright obnoxious and rude when brought to her attention . She refuses to reply to any questions and would put me at the end of her priority since I already paid her. She was too busy trying to make more $ and focusing on volume of clients rather than delivering quality and completed/correct tax returns with no errors. She would try to aim for number of clients than to pay attention to details on tax returns to benefit the clients . She extremely pushy at rushing clients’ tax returns just so she can gain her selfish financial gains to do volume rather than quality work. Her mistakes resulted in me having to pay more in taxes. This discount tax accountant was so incompetent that when another CPA who now services my tax returns brought up Edith’s mistakes, Edith don’t even offer to amend and make it right and in addition , no apologies from Edith as well for my time , head headache , and $ spent of paying to do her due diligence as a tax accountant over the past several years. Don’t waste your time and money paying such an incompetent tax account . You’d receive a more accurate tax return if you choose to hire someone else who is more qualified and competent! Trust me! Good luck !

Services provided:
Individual Taxes - IRS Form 1040
Business Taxes - S Corporation

Denver, CO
February 44, 2021

Edi Nguyen took over her dad’s H & N services center accounting/tax services. She is not competent enough to accomplish an accurate tax return since she’s made errors in my returns and when I addressed it to her, she was too arrogant to accept her mistake and did not offer an apology or to even amend it. She never replies to texts, emails, or phone messages. Not only is she incompetent with taxes and accounting services, she is also unprofessional, unethical, and arrogant when you call her out on mistakes another CPA caught on her work. She took rental depreciation as both land and property, however, when addressed to her , she replied “at this time, I’m not open for discussion on any mistakes”. It’s unbelievable! No tax professional would reply in such manner and demeanor after taking years of fees on what she was hired to do accurately in the first place. She seems really sweet, kind, and professional when you first interview her because she wants your business. However , if you have an issue to address about her, her true colors came out and she started to text and message me (her client ) back in rude and condescending manner. She is all about volume and gaining as many clients as possible to make more $ and not about the quality and accuracy of her work. Her true lack of integrity came out when you call her out on her mistakes made on your tax returns so I would be careful and not hire her because you don’t want a discount tax accountant and have to pay for her mistakes down the road . I would highly encourage you to find a qualified tax cpa and pay a couple hundred dollars more than to have wasted your time and money paying a discount tax accountant such as Edith Nguyen who made errors on previous years of tax returns and won’t stand up to her mistakes to make it right for her clients !

Services provided:
Individual Taxes - IRS Form 1040
Business Taxes - Partnership or LLC