Client Reviews of Jessica L. Christensen, CPA, RTRP

Read What 1 Client is Saying About Jessica L. Christensen, CPA, RTRP - A Tax Professional from Bourbonnais IL

Deerfield Beach, FL
September 244, 2015

Hello, Howey Industries seems to be taking money from customers without sending them the items that they have ordered. My friend, Marcus Jorgensen, sent a bank wire transmission to their bank on Jan 23, 2015 for the amount of 15.533,0 DKK ($2,325.00 USD). Despite his numerous calls to their company he has yet to receive either his order or a refund. He has called Howey time and time again but keeps getting denials, excuses and what seems to be outright lies. We have decided to take this information to the district attorney for Orland Park, IL. We will also be reporting their actions (or inactions as may be it) to the Better Business Bureau, RipOffReports.Com and numerous other online reporting agencies and legal / government agencies. I could only hope that this is an oversight by their company. Marcus manages a top motorsports racing organization in Denmark and he has many contacts and business associates that would frown very seriously upon their company not doing the right thing. I have a copy of the bank wire transmittal form. They have already been sent this form but have ignored it's existence. We will also be contacting their bank and soliciting the garnishment of these funds as being obtained by their company under false, illegal circumstances. Marcus, up to this point has refrained from taking legal action but make no mistake, if necessary, he will. Do not think that just because this customer lives in Denmark that they can hide from this injustice. Marcus will be living in the US soon and his first mission will be to hire an attorney and to take legal action against Howey Industries. We encourage their current and/or potential customers to seriously consider their options before purchasing from Howey Industries. The owner's information is PAUL HOWEY JR 8821 169TH ST ORLAND HILLS 60487. We would hope that Mr. Howey would do the right thing by contacting Marcus to make arrangements for a prompt refund.