Client Reviews of Jennifer Fiduccia, EA

Read What 3 Clients are Saying About Jennifer Fiduccia, EA - A Tax Professional from Fountain Valley CA

Thousand Oaks, CA
April 96, 2023

My wife and I used Birktax (Jenn) to help with our families taxes for 7 straight years with virtually no issues. For the most part we were content with their services which is I why we continued to go back each year. This all changed this year, 2023, when Jenn's assistant, Reema, retired and Jenn needed to hire a new assistant. As anyone knows who works with an accounting firm, the majority of communication/correspondences are done between the client and the assistant. It can take months of going back and forth with the assistant to make sure all the documents are correct and everything has been correctly uploaded into the company's portal before the accountant is able to file everything. Jenn sent out an electronic message to all of her clients informing them of Reema's leaving and notifying us as to who we will now be working with. We were late in getting our paperwork going this year and went through the portal as we typically did. I sent an email to her new assistant, Monique, about a week later just as a confirmation letting her know our documents were uploaded. I didn't receive a response from her, nor did I expect one. A couple of days later I followed up with her again with a question I had asked her to forward along to Jenn. However, in this email, I did request that she acknowledge my email just to make sure my emails were being delivered. I did not receive a response. About 4 days later I decided to call her just to make sure they had been receiving our files along with the emails I had been sending. Her response to me came across as nothing short of annoyance, disdain, and patronizing. I simply asked if she received my messages and she answered with the strangest, defiant tone that was extremely out of place for this conversation. She simply refused to acknowledge that I had requested a simple courteous response to my emails, and instead, she became extremely argumentative while talking over me, yelling that Jenn is extremely busy and she'll get back to me once she's finished dealing with her other clients. Mind you, I wasn't even inquiring about an update, I simply wanted to make sure our messages, etc. weren't going unseen. I then asked her if I should call her every time I need to make sure an email was received. The audacity of her reply was astonishing, in which she said she would respond to my most recent email and hit reply during our phone call. I was simply floored by her actions, to say the least. As I tried to ask her to calm down and find out what is going on she hung up on me. I tried calling back believing it was possibly a mistake when she hung up on me again as soon as I told her who I was. We had always been 100% understanding of the stress they're under this time of year and would never expect that things would need to be sped up in order to get to our files.We were admittadly late in getting our paperwork going this year and went through the portal as we typically do. I then wrote an email directly to Jen explaining the situation and asked if she had a few minutes to talk sometime over the next couple of weeks. Jenn never responded to me. I then followed up with my email a week later with still no response. Obviously, I was extremely disappointed in her new assistant, but I was most disappointed in Jenn's handling of the situation. Which was to do nothing and leave her client of 8 years out to dry. I would have been happier with any response than no response. This speaks volumes about someone's character, and helped me realize why she would be willing to hire someone like Monique in the first place. This was a completely unnecessary situation that could have been easily resolved with just a bit of decency on their part. Not a pleasant experience.

Services provided:
Individual Taxes - IRS Form 1040